PBOTD 7th November: Shelley Peterson - Dancer

Today's book celebrates the fact it's the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto - and this is I think the first Canadian book I've featured. Author of Dancer, Shelley Peterson, has worked as an actress (including an appearance in Canadian sitcom Not My Department). She wrote Dancer, the first of a three book series featuring Abby Malone, for her daughter.

Peterson's teenage heroines are having a difficult time. They're not generally in the popular crowd at school, but in horses they find sanctuary, and gain confidence. Dancer is about Hilary, who's sixteen when with Dancer, the horse she has rehabilitated, she wins a trophy jumping at the Royal Winter Fair. Her prize is an invitation to perform in England before the Queen, but all this is complicated by the unwelcome attentions of Samuel Owens, who wants Dancer for his niece, and will stop at nothing to win.

The Abby series
Abby Malone
~ 0  ~

More on Shelley Peterson
More on the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair


Mary Trafford said…
Yay for featuring a Canadian book! We Canucks love our horses and hunkering down through our long winters with a good horse book. And "The Royal" is fantastic - one of Canada's premier horse shows, along with loads of other delights. Thanks!

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