Guest bloggers

I've been lucky enough to have some excellent guest bloggers:

On Patricia Leitch

Jane Ayres
Black Beauty
Ponies, Names and Happy Endings

Elaine Brown
On Going It Alone

Karen Bush
On self publishing when you're already a published author

Victoria Eveleigh
The Horses in My Stories, and How They Got There

Sue Howes
On self-publishing
Getting your books into libraries

Hannah Merson, artist
My Addiction

Linda Newbery
On Monica Edwards

Janet Rising 
The Observation of Horses
A Vicious Recruitment Drive in Suburbia
What Not to Wear
Holidays on Horseback
The Colour of Horses

Meg Rosoff 
I Grew up in the Wrong Country

Cressida Ellen Schofield
An Independent Author's Journey from Pen and Pad to Pendrive and iPad

Elaine Walker 
Writer in residence, October 2012
Reading Horses
Writing Horses, Part One
Writing Horses, Part Two
Fact, Fiction and Reality - Writing What I Know

Amanda Wills
This Writing Business: Pencils and What-not


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