PBOTD 31st October: Gordon Wright - Learninghttp://www.janebadgerbooks.co.uk/usa2/wright.html to Ride, Hunt and Show

Today's PBOTD is one of my more tenuous efforts to connect with the National Horse Show. Today's author, Gordon Wright, was a successful show jumper in his own right, as well as a fine trainer. In 1962, the National Horse Show honoured the winners of the Hunter Seat Equitation Championship: over half of them were students, or former students, of Gordon Wright. He trained members of the United States Equestrian Team too. Learning to Ride, Hunt and Show (1966) is (as you have probably worked out) not fiction at all. I'm including it because it's illustrated by Sam Savitt and I love his work. Gordon Wright did write a work of fiction ( The Winning Streak, publication date unknown), but all I have to go on for the book's plot is a brief summary, I can't tell whether it should be included here or not. As I'm skirting round the subject anyway, I might as well, so here it is: Daphne Van Allen is not a gracious winner. She thinks she can forget about sport...