Advent Calendar 18 - Josephine Pullein-Thompson: Prince Among Ponies

The Advent Calendar choice for today is Josephine Pullein-Thompson's Prince Among Ponies. Like Diana's I Wanted a Pony, this doesn't really focus on Christmas, although there is a mention. The whole glorious focus of this book is Adonis, the beautiful but wayward grey pony Patrick and Sara discover when they go and visit some family friends.

He is possibly the uber-pony gift (although there is of course Cascade, Tamzin's part-Arab pony in Wish for a Pony). Prince Among Ponies ticks all the Pullein-Thompson boxes - there's good and sensible riding set against the bash and point school, humour, and a good set of relationship dynamics.


Carla said…

I have really been enjoying your Advent Calendar posts. I have not read/heard of many of these books which I suppose is because I'm from U.S.
Some of my favorites were the Misty/Stormy/Seastar books by Marguerite Henry.

Another more seasonal one was Rider By Night by Karin Anckarsvard. I got it, and most of my books, back in elementary school thru Scholastic books. My folks were very generous with letting my buy some books each time we got the list at school. I learned of St.Lucia Day and parade and I have remembered the story for years.
Jane Badger said…
I know the Scholastic one, but I've never managed to read it. I'll try and get hold of a copy and will hopefully feature it next year.

I love the Misty books too. We did get them over here, thankfully.

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