Castle Ashby and El Caballo de España

Yesterday (the day that didn't rain) we went to see El Caballo de España at the Castle Ashby Craft Fair.

My only regret is that I really haven't sussed photographing movement so have very few photographs which are any good.  Such a shame, as the horses really merit much better.  


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comment and lovely photographs - as one of the riders
It is heartening to know people appreciate the work and beauty of these wonderful creatues
Jane Badger said…
CCC, they were fabulous.

Anon - we actually watched the display both times. Was the dark bay a Lusitano? It was so good to see those wonderful fiery horses and not just another Sport Horse. We were very impressed by the rider sitting pillion. Very well sat.
So beautiful!! (So jealous :) How lovely you got to see them outdoors. Photographing motion of horses indoors is well nigh impossible with a typical camera. (Curious to know what kind of camera you use. I just have a little digital camera with built-in zoom, but am increasingly jealous of digital cameras with interchangeable lenses.)

thanks for sharing.
Danielle Lawniczak said…
The dark bay is what is called a Tres Sangres (three bloods), he is half PRE (Spanish), half Anglo-Arab. As rider/owner and co-founder of El Caballo de España, with my partner Peter, I thank you for your lovely comments. We all agreed that the audience on both days were very warm and appreciative.
Anonymous said…
Saw them in the rain on Monday! Fab and it looks so easy but I'm sure it takes hours++ of practice and concentration.
Anonymous said…
However: continued: can't open the web-site to find out more! Would have liked to have had a look-see behind the scenes to talk to the riders about these skills.
Anonymous said…
Me again! Found the web-site which is worth a look-see.
Jane Badger said…
Christina, I have a FinePix S5700 which has a built in zoom. I bought it principally for photographing books, and have been very bad about sitting down and working out all the things the camera would enable me to do. I did take it to Olympia with me and it did quite a good job there. I have mixed feelings about extra lenses: on the one hand I envy the ability to photograph stuff I can't, but on the other, I'd hate to have to lug it all about!

Anon - thought I'd put a link to the website but it sounds like I haven't! As you say, it's certainly worth looking at.

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