PBOTD 28th June: Diana Pullein-Thompson - Janet Must Ride

The next run of pony books of the day celebrate the depths pony book cover illustration can reach. Today's cover is the earliest Armada printing of Janet Must Ride. I had this particular edition myself, but I always hated this cover. With a lower leg position like that, I do wonder what will happen when Corrymeela lands. Janet Must Ride, but she's probably going to fall off first

It's not credited, but I think it's by Peter Archer. The style is certainly very similar to other Armada illustrations he did which are credited. . Below is the first edition, which Collins published in 1953, with a cover illustration by Mary Gernat, who was, ironically, Armada's other major cover illustrator. I wonder what she felt when she saw the paperback edition.

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More on Diana Pullein-Thompson


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