PBOTD 25th June: K M Peyton - Flambards Divided

Today's PBOTD is a book that divides Flambards fans: Christina has already married Will, and Dick, and in this book, she ends up with Mark, having divorced Dick and seen him off into the arms of someone more suitable.

OUP, 1st edn, 1981
With Mark,Christina does come at last to a sort of peace, though a controversial one. Mark, in the earlier books, lost none of the characteristics that made him so spectacularly unsympathetic in the first. But a terrible war, which has left him badly wounded, has changed other things about him apart from the physical. There's a satisfaction in seeing Mark, if not reform, at least mellow, but whether you believe it or not is debatable.
Puffin, 1982
There were plans to televise this book, and a pilot was made. What happened to it I do not know. The crew were based at K M Peyton's house, and the whole thing was exciting, though not conducive to a peaceful marriage.

OUP, pb, 1999

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More on K M Peyton


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