Postage rates

As from 30th April, the British Post Office is raising its prices. They usually raise them every year, but this year they are going up by a lot. The main burden is falling on small parcels and overseas mail.

What affect will this have on my prices? For UK customers, not a huge amount. I will be increasing my standard charge from £3.25 to £3.50.  A single paperback will go up to £2.00, from £1.80.  The rates for additional paperbacks will have to go up from £1.00 to £1.50, as once the parcel is past a certain thickness (and 2 paperbacks will do it ) they have to be sent via packet mail, for which there is now a flat rate of £2.70 up to 750g.

The Post Office has raised its overseas charges some cases by nearly 40%. This does alas mean I have to make increases in the p&p charges for orders going overseas. Australisia has now been placed in a zone of its own, which is even more expensive, but I not be making any extra charges for Australian customers, other than the general increase. So, Airmail for Europe will be £6.00 (£4.50), and for the rest of the world (including Australia and New Zealand), £9.50. (£8.50). Paperbacks will be £3.10 (£2.10) in Europe, and £4.50 (£3.50) in the rest of the world.

As ever, if you order a lot of books, I will reduce postage costs. I am going to use a different courier (MyHermes) to send large parcels of books in the UK, as they are considerably cheaper than Royal Mail's parcel post.


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