Morning walk, 27th April 2012

Just wet today. Water running down the back of my neck.


Sue Howes said…
Looking at those luch green hedgerows all I can think of is: guinea pig food! Smartie would love to get her chops round some of that.
Our hedges are not looking that green yet.
Sue Howes said…
'lush', even!

My typing gets worse and worse
Jane Badger said…
It is very, very lush. Is it not that wet with you Sue?
Sue Howes said…
Oh we've had a LOT of rain - all winter. But we're also 1000ft above sea level so everything takes longer to start growing.
Christina Wilsdon said…
I read your typo "luch" green as "lunch" green...somehow anticipating it as lunch for the guinea pig, I suppose... :)
Nan said…
Oh, so green and beautiful.
Jane Badger said…
Maybe it's just wishful thinking? I read luch as lunch too....

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