PBOTD 11th May: Caroline Akrill - Ticket to Ride

PBOTD is the third part of the Eventer's Trilogy, Ticket to Ride (1982).  The ticket to ride in question is the place Elaine has won on a training course. This will mean Elaine leaving her employers, the Fanes, but the Fanes reach new depths by firstly not having any money to pay Elaine's back wages, and secondly announcing that they have a financial share in her horse. You would have hoped, if you were Elaine, that once you were on the course, things would improve.

Arlington, 1982, 1st edition
 They do not. Elaine begins to wonder if she has any hope of realising her eventing ambitions.

Dragon, pb, 1984
But she can't shake the Fanes off. As Elaine thunders towards the first fence at the junior trial, they erupt. Henrietta, before she falls into the arms of the starter, manages to shriek to Elaine that their fortunes have been rescued by the picture in Elaine's old room. It's an eventful start, because Elaine also has time to notice the Fanes' mother, Lady Jennifer, and Elaine's father, now appear to be terribly fond of each other.

Dragon, pb, 1990
The Eventer's Trilogy
Eventer's Dream
A Hoof in the Door
Ticket to Ride

More on Caroline Akrill
Badminton Horse Trials


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