PBOTD 10th May: Caroline Akrill - A Hoof in the Door

A Hoof in the Door (1982) is the second in Caroline Akrill's Eventer's series. Elaine has found a prospective event horse, Legend, and the Fanes are sponsoring her in lieu of wages. However, competing takes money, particularly at the higher levels, and neither Elaine nor the Fanes have any.

Arlington, 1982, 1st edition
The Fanes are not daunted, and do everything they can think of (including quite a bit Elaine wishes they hadn't) to raise money.

Granada, pb, 1984
It's this book that sees one of the great equine heroes of the pony book world, The Comet, come into his own. He is notorious for simply taking off at vast speed whenever he has had enough of whatever it is the Fanes want him to do. When Legend is hit by a car, meaning Elaine won't be able to compete for an eventing scholarship, it's Comet Elaine chooses to take his place.

Armada, 1990, pb
Because Elaine has a strong suspicion of who The Comet really is. Olympic rider Lala Thornapple lost her horse, Genesis. And the pictures of him look uncannily like The Comet.

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The Eventer's Trilogy
Eventer's Dream
A Hoof in the Door
Ticket to Ride

More on Caroline Akrill
Badminton Horse Trials


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