Jill and the bay Danny Boy

Jill Crewe's pony, Black Boy, was renamed Danny Boy in one of the 1960s paperback reprints (Knight's).  I thought that was the one and only time Danny Boy reared his head, but no.  Dorling Kindersley published Classic Horse and Pony Stories  in 1999, the selection being made by Diana Pullein-Thompson, in which the final chapter of Jill's Gymkhana appears.  The use of Danny Boy explains why Neal Puddephatt has drawn Black Boy as bay.

I'm not aware of any other story collections in which Jill makes an appearance.  If anyone does, please let me know.


Unknown said…
Isn't Jill supposed to be around 11 or 12 in Jill's Gymkhana ? The girl in the drawing looks older than that.

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