Horse in the house?

It took me a while to work out what's going on here, but I've got it now.


Ali Mal said…
Blimey! No wonder that horse looks startled :)
I'm still trying to figure out how the heck it works! (or doesn't...seeing as how it never appears in horse catalogs nowadays...)
Val said…
I'm guessing that you hold it between your knees Moggypie and squeeze... but I could be so wrong ...
Unknown said…
It might improve the strength of your thighs, but it doesn't seem to do anything for the hands. The man has a horrible death grip on his poor horse's mouth.
Jane Badger said…
See what you mean about the death grip on the horse's mouth Gillian.

Val, I suppose it's one of those bits of kit limited only by the imagination...
Susan in Boston said…
ROFL.....I think whoever invented it should be sueing the people who came out with the Thigh Master in the 80s :-)

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