Horses on Children's TV

A post on Mutterings and Meanderings' blog reminded me of the horsey programmes I used to watch.

My absolute favourite horsey programme was White Horses, which for those of you not lucky enough to be born when I was, was a German programme about a Lipizzaner stud, dubbed into English. I think there's a certain section of horsey society out there who can sing along with every single word of the theme song. And Boris, ah Boris.... there was a horse. Ferreting about on the internet when I should have been doing other things, I found this site, dedicated to the series, and which is going to re-issue it on DVD. Oooooooh.... oooooooooooh. When it's out, I shall buy one, and an extremely large box of chocolates and watch it all with my sister, my partner in our television crimes.

Fortunately White Horses was on BBC1 as for most of my childhood we had a tv that only received BBC1, and when we did get a telly that got more chanels, my mother issued an edict that ITV was bad and we were not to watch it. Magpie, I remember, which was ITV's answer to Blue Peter, she particularly loathed. We did of course watch it, meaning one of us would listen out for my mother coming along the hall, while the other would be poised next to the telly, ready to switch it on to something more wholesome on BBC1...


Vanessa said…
I didn't watch Magpie - think my mother thought it was common and so insisted on Blue Peter. No male presenters with long hair on BP! She didn't like Grange Hill either.
Jane Badger said…
I did like Mick Robertson of Magpie I have to admit. Mother didn't approve of Grange Hill either, but by the time that came along I was in the 6th form and presumably beyond all hope!
The White Horses theme is my mobile ringtone. Well, I do have a grey mare... (I know, I am very sad!)
Jane Badger said…
I've never been very adventurous with ring tones, but now you tell me that there is a White Horses one....
Vanessa said…
Ring tone on my phone is the Archers theme. I was at a 'do' yesterday and doing quite well at the whole cool and trendy (relatively) thing when my phone started ringing.... Readers, I RAN to the exit.
Jane, you can get it on the Horse and Hound website (they have Black Beauty as well, plus the hunting horn)...

Vanessa, I'm sure The Archers is very trendy and chic ;)
Jane Badger said…
V - was that in case you were mobbed by people desperate to catch up on what they had missed by being at the do?

M&M. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown said…
A friend of a friend on Live Journal has a yodelled version of the William Tell Overture as their ringtone. I'd love to hear that !
Jane Badger said…
Gillian - goodness! One of my friends has her 3 year old daughter's burblings, which really does sound bizarre!

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