The 1980s and the Pony Book

By the 1980s, the number of old titles being re-published in paperback obscured the fact that the number of new titles published had plummeted: only half as many were printed in the 1980s as in the 1960s. This was the decade that saw the publication of Michael Morpurgo's War Horse (1982), though it made little impact at the time. The new authors who appeared in the 1980s tended to produce the standard pony adventure that had been so popular over the preceding decades. Jo Furminger carried on her Blackbirds series, the adventures of a group of children and their ponies, and her daughter Justine Furminger contributed two books of her own: Bobbie Takes the Reins (1981) and Bobbie's Sponsored Ride (1982). Wendy Douthwaite wrote about girls and their ponies. And what of existing authors? Patricia Leitch finished off her Jinny series, with the last volume, Running Wild, appearing in 1988. ...