April's pony book releases

This info is already on my website, but for those who don't go there, here's a round up of what's published in the pony book field this month:

Monica Edwards - Black Hunting Whip
Girls Gone By’s republication of Monica Edwards continues with the re-issue of this Punchbowl Farm story, together with the usual extras which make this book well worth buying.

Diane Lee Wilson - Ravenspeak
Already out in the USA, Ravenspeak is due out in April 2011 in the UK.  For those who haven’t yet read her, Diane Lee Wilson writes excellent historical stories in which her characters and their horses try and make sense of their world. Ravenspeak is the story of Asa, daughter of a Viking chief.  The clan is in the grip of a vicious winter, and most of the menfolk sail away to find food.  Jorgen, the wise man who is left behind, wants to eat Asa’s beloved horse (which bearing in mind there is no food seems not entirely unreasonable) and to take over the clan while Asa’s father is away.

Elaine Breault-Hammond - Sky Pony
An interesting entrant into the field by an award winning Canadian author, Sky Pony is the story of 12 year old Katie, who has to take on board two things she really doesn’t like:  firstly her family move tothe Yukon, and secondly they foster a six year old.  Katie has a handy method of avoiding both these blots on her horizon.  Her Icelandic pony, Peggy, can fly.  Not only can Peggy fly through space, she can fly through time as well (I am tempted to make all sorts of Dr Who references at this point).  Katy and Peggy end up in 19th century England, where they experience the best of times, and the worst of times.

Sharon Siamon - Runaway Dreams
Runaway Dreams is number 5 in her Wild Horse Creek series.

Dandi Daley Mackall and Claudia Wolf - the A Horse Named Bob series
ZonderKidz are releasing titles 1-4 of this series:  Bob’s Great Escape, A Horse Named Bob, Double Trouble and A Perfect Pony.  The series is aimed at the younger reader.

Lauraine Snelling -  High Hurdles Collection
The High Hurdles series is being released in two volumes:  books 1-5, and books 6-10.  Get them all in one go if you happen to like them.  High Hurdles is a series about a teenage girl and her desire to compete as a show jumper in the Olympics, with which desire she has her faith in God to help her.

Catherine Hapka and Anne Kennedy - Really Riding
Part of the Pony Scouts series, Hapka and Kennedy’s latest title in their series is issued in hardback.It’s part of the I Can Read programme.


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