Sweet Peas

Here is a rare example of sucess in the garden. I absolutely love sweet peas, and although I copped out this year by buying plants from the garden centre, at least I didn't manage to kill these, and they smell wonderful.


Unknown said…
Those are lovely flowers, Jane. I've brought in a couple of sprigs of honeysuckle flowers, from the huge bush in the front garden. They make the flat smell delicious in the evenings.
mokey said…
What a gorgeous picture - I can almost smell them! They are one of my favourite blooms, along with stocks. THe only peas we have growing at the moment are the round green variety, but the plants are only knee high at the moment.
Jane Badger said…
Gillian - I love honeysuckle too. On one of my dog walks, we walk under a bush of it and I always stop and sniff it. Dog thinks I am mad.

Mokey - yes, I'm a stocks lover too! I'm impressed with your peas though. Mine never even got knee high this year.
Juliet said…
Gorgeous. Always remind me of my grandparents' garden and long childhood summers. Managed to grow a few myself this year - there's nothing quite like them for scent or colour, is there?

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