Heroines on Horseback

which is the title of my book, will be out in March 2013. Here's the draft cover. It won't look like that when it finally emerges into the light of day.

It's about

the pony book, which galloped on to the children’s book scene with a flick of its rosetted bridle in the 1930s, and has remained a fixture ever since. Brave girls, nervous ones, scruffy ponies and ornaments of the show ring cantered through pony tale after pony tale, all fallen upon by an audience desperate to read anything that reflected their own passion for the pony.

Heroines on Horseback looks at the pony book through its beginnings in the 20s and 30s, to the glory days of the 40s and 50s, and beyond. I write about the lives and contributions of noted exponents, including Primrose Cumming, Monica Edwards, Patricia Leitch, Ruby Ferguson and the Pullein-Thompson sisters, as well as providing a wide-ranging view of the genre as a whole, its themes and developments, illustrators and short stories.

There are plenty of illustrations, and a bibliography.

And you can get it
Once it's published, from all the usual sources. You can also pre-order a copy from the publishers (Girls Gone By) or directly from me (and get a signed copy).

To pre-order
Email me with how many copies you’d like (see how hopeful I am there), or order directly from the Publishers. If you're from Australia or New Zealand, it's more cost effective for you to order direct from the Publishers.

Prices (ordered from me)
Australia/New Zealand/USA/Canada.........................£22.80

All prices include p&p

Once the book is delivered to me, I will send you a Paypal or Nochex invoice, so you can pay by credit or debit card. You are also very welcome to pay by cheque.


madwippitt said…
Yes please, put me down for a copy (signed please!) Looking forward to reading this immensely!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Jane - look forward to reading it.
Elaine said…
Congratulations, Jane - look forward to reading it.
DMS said…
Congratulations! I love books about horses (and horses themselves). I look forward to checking this one out. I have added it to my list.:)

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