
Usually I am a cheery composite of cheeriness, skipping round like Fotherington Thomas - hello trees, hello sky; Pollyanna-like in my determination to see the bright side, but frankly I'm struggling to see the merry side of washing sick off every article of bed clothing my daughter possesses. The winter vomiting virus is alive and well, and living in my house. It was living in me, but now I'm better, in time to nurse daughter. This, and the virus I had before I had the wvv, is why I've been quiet on the blog, and this post will be short as I have to go off and buy new vatloads of disinfectant. Daughter is being force fed Radio 4 (do wonder what she thinks of Patti Smith's early life) as the only spare bed is in my office and even for sick kids I do not do Radio Pop. Thankfully she has now finished being sick.

Hah. Oh no she hasn't. That caught us both by surprise. Wonder, as I rub poor daughter's back until spasm has passed at just how you prioritise all this. Daughter comes first, though can't send her to bath (infinitely easier to disinfect) to clean up as that is booked by her duvet, soaked and waiting its turn in the machine, so decant her into shower, rescue previous pyjamas, thankfully now dry - thank God for the Aga - sort her out and turn to the bed, which has well and truly bitten the dust. Daughter now moved to sofa, and pray, PRAY that when she is next sick she either makes it to the loo or the bucket. Sermon in church on Sunday said praying for stuff like parking spaces was OK, so think praying for daughter not to miss the bucket and get better soon will definitely pass muster. I hope. Also thank God that books do not live in my study, as prospect of infectious stock not good.


Val said…
Sympathy is being sent your way...hope you all feel better soon
Jane Badger said…
Thanks Val! She's much better - now hasn't been sick for a few hours, and is now asleep so I hope she's on the upward slope now. Still looks rather yellow, poor lamb. Am now petrified in case son gets it, so have sent him to Dettox the shower thoroughly before he uses it, bath still being booked by the duvet as I wait for the previous 3 loads of washing to dry.... DO hope I can fit the duvet in the machine, wibble, wibble, wibble...
Val said…
fingers crossed for continued good progress also hope the yuk doesn't get your son...I tend to frantically wipe doorhandles (rather like a murderer not wishing to be caught..) when our bunch get sick.... and good luck with the duvet and machine..our poor machine isn't level and requires a chainsaw wood wedge to restrain it when I overfill it.
Jane Badger said…
Val I do like the picture of you and the doorhandles. Yes, I've been doing that too. The machine thankfully managed to cope with the duvet, though the house is wringing wet now after all the drying and I've had to have the heating on to dry it out! Daughter thankfully on the mend now and asking for delicious little morsels to tempt her invalid appetite.
Val said…
Wish I could send you a magic fairy godmother to produce said tasty morsels as I guess you could do with some too!

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