May Bank Holiday Sale

For the first time ever, my horse book collection is in the same place. And in alphabetical order. Like this:

and this:

After rather a lot of this:

All of this frantic activity means that I've been able to sort out my duplicates. I've also decided that some of my childhood collection has to go. I've replaced much of it now with hardbacks, and (for once) I'm going to be hard hearted and the childhood stuff must go. Apart from this:

and indeed this:

and well, the odd other title.....

So, the stuff I have managed to harden my heart about is going, very cheaply, on my sales website.  Not only that, there's 10% off on everything else on my site, apart from new stock, during the Bank Holiday weekend.

Like this: down from £40.00 to £36.00.


madwippitt said…
Impressive looking shelves! I have that same childhood copy of Prince among ponies too: it's one of the books that sticks in my mind, possibly because I was in love with a grey Welsh pony at the time who was a bit of a hairy ride ... :-)

And shouldn't your book be out soon?
Jane Badger said…
It should indeed - it's supposed to be out this week! I will update as soon as I can.

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