Society of Equestrian Artists' Exhibition

I wouldn't have a proper horse obsession if the horse in art didn't also make me ridiculously excited.  Just up the railway line from me in Nottinghamshire is the Sally Mitchell Gallery, which will be putting on the East Midlands Open Exhibition of Equestrian Art, in conjunction with the Society of Equestrian Artists.

The SEA is a charity that "promotes the best in contemporary equestrian art and supports and encourages artists who share that passion."  Their website is very well worth a look.  I have a Christmas present list filled up for years now.

If you're an artist, you have until 2nd September to submit works for the exhibition; if you're just interested in looking, then the exhibition is open online from 18th September to 22nd October, and at the Gallery itself from 25th September to 8th October. Although the chances of me, or my nearest and dearest coming up with any major money making scheme any time soon is remote, I will not lose heart.  Pieces are on sale for under £100.   You can of course, spend considerably more, but my, it will be worth it.

The piece above is One Day, by Michelle McCullagh, which is appearing in the exhibition. When Jennifer Bell, pony book illustrator as well as an artist in her own right, told me about this exhibition, I went and had a look at the SEA site, and told Jennifer that were I to be put up a wall, and forced to take a painting, it would be Michelle McCullagh's Reverie.

Artists wanting to submit:
See for entry forms.  You do not have to be a member to submit. Handing in day is 11th September.


haffyfan said…
Thanks for posting this Jane, will be trotting along to have a look when the exhibition opens.
Barbara said…
What beautiful artwork. I’ll let you have Reverie so long as you get One Day for me!
Chris said…
Thanks for sharing - there's some incredible artwork on there!
Jane Badger said…
Deal, Barbara!

I have more stories and images to come.

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