BAFAB week - again

Well, BAFAB (Buy a Friend a Book) week is nearly over, and you can tell I'm playing catch-up. So, my offerings are sparkling new copies of Joanna Cannan's We Met Our Cousins, and Monica Edwards' No Entry. To win one, you will need to add a comment to this blog entry.

The Joannan Cannan is one of her earliest children's stories, and involves a prim London brother and sister clashing head on with their Highland cousins, who scorn shoes and prissiness. It's told with detachment and humour, and reflects Joanna Cannan's Highland holidays escaping from the Oxford academia that governed her own childhood.

The Monica Edwards is part of her Romney Marsh series, and in it Foot and Mouth hits the Marsh. I don't find this as easy to read as once I did, having experienced the worry of foot and mouth though thankfully not the disease itself, but as ever with Monica Edwards, it is an excellent read, and you get the usual GGB extras with it: a preface by the author's daughter, Shelley, and articles on the author.

If pony or children's books are not your thing, and I do understand that, I truly do, there are more blogs offering books. Here they are:

Musings from a Muddy Island (though move sharpish on this one - it closes tomorrow)

Add your name to the comments below and I'll do a draw on Thursday 10th. I hope. I apologise in advance if I forget on the day. Will go and put something in the diary NOW.


Juliet said…
I have two very un-ponyish daughters, I'm afraid, so better not put my name in the riding hat. This is just to let you know that I've updated today's round-up of BAFAB offers to include this one. Good luck everyone!
Elaine said…
I'm off to Dymchurch on Saturday week and am looking foward to exploring Monica Edwards territory. From what I saw of Winchelsea last week it hasn't changed very much and it's lovely to see the reprinted Edwards books in the bookshop in Rye. This might mean a whole new generation to gain pleasure from them!
galant said…
OOh, I do hope I'm not too late to be included in this book draw! I would love this book, I adored pony books as a child, Moorland Mousie was a favourite, as was The Silver Eagle Riding Stables and Silver Eagle Carries On (not Joanna C's books, but very enjoyable nonetheless.) Please include me!
I love Rye and Winchelsea (comment to Elaine) ... when we last visited there we stayed at a guest house (which I don't think is a guest house any longer) on the old Military Road and was reputedly the house which was Grebe in the Benson books of Mapp & Lucia. We loved the walk along the Military Canal - we went when all the may blossom was in bloom, it was quite a spectacular sight, a sea of white froth as far as the eyes could see.
And speaking of books set in that area, a couple of books by Nina du Fort are set along the route of the Military Canal.
Margaret Powling
I would like to win the No Entry one, as I have We Met Our Cousins. If that is not possible, just leave me out.
Bert said…
Unfortunatly have only read two books by Monica Edwards and although I enjoyed both my loyalties lie with the Pullein-Thompsons (and their Mum!). If I introduced my horsey daughters to We Met our Cousins and they enjoyed it, maybe this would be a good excuse to seek out London Pride!
Anonymous said…
If you're willing to post it across to the other side of the world I am so very willing to receive either, as I despair of ever finding either of them here in Oz in original form (unless I come into a great stash of money!!)
Unknown said…
I'm envious of those who've been to the Romney marsh country. I talked to a friend about going there, but no firm plans yet. And this was back when Tamsin's vicarage was running as a B&B, which is sadly no longer true. Maybe put it to Gary as something for next year.

I have both books, so don't need to be entered into the draw, thanks.
Bunny B said…
I would love to win We Met Our Cousins :) Thank you for the chance!
Ivÿ said…
hi! they are new authors for me and those books sound like a good read. it would be fun to discover new interesting authors.

if you're sending international, do toss my name in the hat, please :)

Jane Badger said…
Thanks Juliet! Elaine - you're on the list and I hope you enjoy Rye. It's lovely, as is Rye Harbour once you get out of the village itself. Galant, you're included too. PTA - I've put you in for the Monica Edwards. Bert - you're on the list too. Cross fingers with your daughters. Have completely failed with mine! Mokey - of course I'll post to Oz! Gillian - one day, one day... bunny b, you're on the list as are you ivan girl, and yes I do post overseas!
Anonymous said…
Count me in too! I live in India!

winnie said…
I would love to be entered in the draw for We met our cousins please, I do already have a copy of No entry. I love the bit where they 'douse the doctor'!

I must confess to having visited the area round Rye frequently as a child, thanks to having a father who is mad about steam. I think we went on holiday each year in the vicinity of at least one steam railway, & the RH&D was often visited as it wasn't too far awy from our home at the time. However, those of us in the family who preferred horses tended to find it all rather dull...we certainly never had a runaway train to deal with.
Anonymous said…
I've just discovered both these authors so I'd love to be in the draw if that's possible!
Jane Badger said…
Gautami tripathy - you're in, as are you Winnie. We used to go to Rye every year when my son was small, and I think I know every bump of the RH&D railway....

Charlotte, you're in the draw too!
Anonymous said…
I would very much ike to be in the draw for We Met Our Cousins, as very few of Joanna Cannan's books have made it across to Ireland. And if I get it, I promise I'll take good care of it!
Robin said…
I just discovered your site and fear it's going to be very expensive for me. ;) I visited Rye last fall almost entirely thanks to fond memories of Monica Edwards' books -- it was lovely!

Please put me down as another "if you're willing to ship overseas..." entry.

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