Will plaits ever be fashionable again?
"When I was a child," said Mrs. Pyke, "I was the youngest rider to hounds in the county. I remember the MFH once lifted me on to my pony himself, and there I sat in my litle habit with my long fair curls hanging down to my waist. Children had the loveliest hair in those days."
Personally I thought (a) it was impossible to picture Mrs. Pyke as a child at all, and (b) that curls down to your waist must have looked pretty awful all waving in the breeze like floating cork-screws. I'm sure Mrs Darcy would have had something to say about it. I mean, there are always plaits."
[Jill's Gymkhana, Ruby Ferguson]
"Jess turned to see Vicki, the owner of the riding stables, standing at the open stable door. Jess secretly hero-worshipped Vicki. She was everything Jess wanted to be when she grew up. Tanned and slim, with thick dark hair and stunning silver-grey eyes, she always looked amazing. Vicki was living proof that you could work with horses and still be glam. Even in muck-stained jeans and a grubby hoodie, she always managed to look good, although she often had to work a fifteen-hour day."
[Katie Price's Perfect Ponies - Here Comes the Bride]
Sigh, sigh. Deep, deep sigh.
I love this snippet, which was posted on a forum a few months back, and sums it up perfectly...Introducing the modern Jill and Ann!
However, there are impossibly glamorous women who I know who are 'proper' horsy women and they can muck out, groom and ride while wearing a white top which remains unsullied at the end of the day.
Unfortunately, I am not like that!