Will plaits ever be fashionable again?

The two bits I'm about to quote say it all, I think.

"When I was a child," said Mrs. Pyke, "I was the youngest rider to hounds in the county. I remember the MFH once lifted me on to my pony himself, and there I sat in my litle habit with my long fair curls hanging down to my waist. Children had the loveliest hair in those days."

Personally I thought (a) it was impossible to picture Mrs. Pyke as a child at all, and (b) that curls down to your waist must have looked pretty awful all waving in the breeze like floating cork-screws. I'm sure Mrs Darcy would have had something to say about it. I mean, there are always plaits."

[Jill's Gymkhana, Ruby Ferguson]


"Jess turned to see Vicki, the owner of the riding stables, standing at the open stable door. Jess secretly hero-worshipped Vicki. She was everything Jess wanted to be when she grew up. Tanned and slim, with thick dark hair and stunning silver-grey eyes, she always looked amazing. Vicki was living proof that you could work with horses and still be glam. Even in muck-stained jeans and a grubby hoodie, she always managed to look good, although she often had to work a fifteen-hour day."

[Katie Price's Perfect Ponies - Here Comes the Bride]

Sigh, sigh. Deep, deep sigh.


haffyfan said…
Sighs all round I think.

I love this snippet, which was posted on a forum a few months back, and sums it up perfectly...Introducing the modern Jill and Ann!

haffyfan said…
Oops link dosen't work...it's the 11th comment on thread, if you copy and paste into browser.
Jane Badger said…
Oh I did like that! I'll ask Claire if she'd mind if I put it up as a post here so more people will see it. It's excellent.
I always remembered that quote whcih made me giggle. I still feel a bit Susan Pyke's mother-esque if I ride without tying my hair back!

However, there are impossibly glamorous women who I know who are 'proper' horsy women and they can muck out, groom and ride while wearing a white top which remains unsullied at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, I am not like that!
Jane Badger said…
M&M - yes, I have known a couple myself. I have a theory that they mysteriously repel grime, whereas I attract it. Maybe our fairy godmares cursed us at birth....

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