Happy New Year

A happy and healthy New Year to everyone who reads this blog. The year has ended on a slightly mixed note for us: last week we had the funeral of a friend who died just before Christmas, and yesterday my great aunt died; "full of years", she was 93.

On the other hand, we've had lots of parties, some with the people we've been crying with one day and then there we all are, cheerful. We're an adaptable lot, the human race. And changeable; my daughter is now well into the age where her parents are a massive embarrassment. Yesterday evening we went to a big party, along with most of the village it seemed, in a local hall a handy 200 yards away from us. Last time daughter and I went to a party here she was about 6 and we bopped the night away and neither of us cared a jot. I still don't care a jot, but she does. Fairly early on in the proceedings was the Rednex' Cotton Eye Joe: the video gives you an idea of what my daughter was up against with her mother, only without the bikini, the rat or the spitting. After being whirled around a couple of times by me and my friend Dawn she fled to the kitchen and the safety of her friends, poor child. She did emerge eventually after it became obvious she did not have the only embarrassing mother, or indeed father....

But a brilliant party. I haven't had so much fun in ages, and they even played The Time Warp... fortunately there were so many people on the dance floor by this time daughter couldn't see me. And by the time Tiger Feet came on even my husband got up on the floor.


haffyfan said…
ooh...embarassing parents...is there anything worse? ;)
Vanessa said…
I think it is the bounden duty of all parents to be embarrassing on the basis that it's character-building for the children in question.

Also, it's funny how Tiger Feet gets everyone up on the dancefloor - my most abiding memory of my sister's wedding is my cousin and her partner dancing to that!
winnie said…
It's just a jump to the left.....

It's ages since I did the Time Warp, I can feel a nostalgia trip coming on.

And on the subject of embarrassing your children, you can always say it is your duty to teach them how to do it to their own children - because they will ha ha!

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