PBOTD: 5th February - Lady Kitty Ritson, Tessa and Some Ponies

Today's pony book is from an author who was equally well known in the horse and the dog worlds. Lady Kitty Ritson (her second married name; she was born Lady Kitty Ogilvy) was a frequent contributor to Riding Magazine in the 1930s. She's pictured below, complete with kettle and compliant child with picnic basket, on one of her Arabs. 

Riding Magazine, 1936?
Lady Kitty's Arabs cropped up in her other books too. The heroine of her Tessa series acquires one, which seems to have rather blown her brain, if you go by the cover illustration, but Tessa did acquire more than one pony, the lucky thing. She goes on to have more adventures in  Tessa in South Africa (1955), Tessa to the Rescue (1957)and Tessa and the Rannoch Dude Ranch (1961)

Nelson, 1953, first edn, illus Leslie Atkinson
Lady Kitty went on to help found Guidedogs for the Blind, and was well known throughout the dog world as a judge and general expert on all things dog.

Tessa and Some Ponies was first published by Nelson in 1953, and appeared as a paperback in the Nelson Juniors imprint in 1959.

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For more on the wonderful Lady Kitty, see her page on my website.


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