What book dealers might do about Amazon

Many bookdealers get Sheppards newsletter every week (they publish a directory of bookdealers), and two weeks ago the editor, Richard Sheppard, put on a poll to gauge what bookdealers were going to do with Amazon's new diktat.

I can't seem to put a table into this blog (sure I could if I fiddled with the html but I think I'll give that a miss in the interests of finishing work before Glee starts), so here are the non-tabulated results to the question "Will you accept Amazon's Pricing Parity policy?" 506 votes were cast.

11% will accept because Amazon is such an effective site for selling books
9% will accept the policy for the time being and plan to move away
23% will accept the policy for the time being but join with others to oppose Amazon's policy
11% will accept the policy out of fear of being banned from Amazon
46% will quit selling through Amazon as soon as practical

As Richard says, "as with all polls, it is one thing to express one's opinion anonymously in a poll and another to actually carry out the expressed choice." True, and it is particularly difficult if it means saying farewell to income because that's never a cheerful process.


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