Costume update!

You might remember I posted about this entry in the Ponies of Britain Summer Show of 1976, and wondered "Could Humpty actually see? What would have happened if the soldier had dropped the lead rope and the Shetland wall had been left to his own devices?"

Aha! Now I know. We had a bit of a clear up trying to find OH's driving licence - not the bit you carry round, the other bit, whose name temporarily escapes me - but clearing out a basket in the kitchen I found a load of 1970s Pony Magazines I had completely forgotten I had. Thanks to Caroline Akrill's report on the show, I now know exactly what happened:

"Humpty Dumpty was in second place. Half-way through the judging, he did actually part company with his "wall" (a Shetland pony), who decided he didn't want to play any more. Humpty's head was a miracle of construction; and even though the child inside couldn't have filled more than the chin, you still had to flinch when they hooked the rosettes into the eyes."

I knew it. I knew that Shetland was up to no good.


Christina Wilsdon said…
Oh my goodness. I had to go back following links to see older posts and photos. I do wish we had a magazine like "Pony" in the USA! But there are still costume parades fortunately (at my kid's riding stable they have one once a year, and every camp ends with a mini 'decorated pony' event--not costuming so much as just decking them out with fake flowers, wraps etc). These costumes are amazing and weird though. I have to ask, however, in looking back at one picture where you joke about an author named Caroline Akrill who was banned from (Pony, I think...)? I must ask...why? Inquiring minds want to know :)
Jane Badger said…
Caroline Akrill was banned from the Ponies of Britain Show. This was run by a very big noise in the pony world, Glenda Spooner. Caroline did show reports for Pony Magazine, and her reports were often funny, but perhaps not always tactful. In one, she said one exhibitor's pony, when clipped out, was the colour of cheese. I don't know exactly what she said to make Glenda Spooner ban her, but they did eventually make it up, and GS invited her to tea.

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