Just when you think

it's all going to go quiet it is anything but. Normally orders slow right down the week before Christmas, so I'd made all sorts of mental lists about what I was going to do: finish the Gillian Baxter interview, finish the Josephine Pullein-Thompson interview, do some much-needed work on the website.... Oh, and disinter the presents I have bought from the Amazon boxes and sort out what I still need to get...

But no. It's been frantic, and all I seem to have been doing is pack - but it did fall to my lot to walk the dog this evening. Fortunately the dog has moved on a bit since we got her. When we first had her, she was so nervous that if she wanted to bark at something, she would have to go behind a tree and do it from there. She was scared of the dark, and would only go outside after dark if one of us came with her and held her quaking labrador paw.

Now on our evening walks, which always happen after dark, she takes off up the dark track like a rocket. I'm very glad she's blonde, as at least I can see her. I've found I rather like evening walks. I like the world when the grass has turned silver and everything is still and quiet.


Anonymous said…
You lab sounds lovely - really sweet!!! And I too love evening walks :-) - can't wait to read your JPT interview! Ali
Labs are the best. We always have black ones though - not so easy to see in the dark ...
Jodie Robson said…
Our brindled whippet lurcher is like the alien thing in Predator - total camouflage the minute it starts to get dark. A blonde would have been so much more sensible.

Hope things calm down for you soon - I'm just off to do that website thing (months' worth of updating - you can tell I'm putting it off, can't you?)
Jane Badger said…
Ali - yes, she is lovely. Perhaps not quite so sweet if you're a squirrel..

m&m - Labs are the best. Black ones at least do not show the dirt.
My sister bought a flashing collar for her chocolate lab, who always had to be walked in the dark in winter. It did look quite bizarre from a distance.

geraniumcat - updating -carry on putting it off. I'm right there with you.
Mopsa said…
Ohh, have just found you courtesy of M&M. Will come back for a longer trawl.
haffyfan said…
Jadey has a 'disco bone' collar so we can see her in the dark.......they work a treat!
Jane Badger said…
Hi Mopsa - I like your dog.

Haffy, I have this vision of you following Jadey doing the Saturday Night Fever thing.....

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