

Val said…
You caught some lovely Dawn colours. There can be something quite magical about Sunrise and Sunset can't there.
The Sun hasn't risen here yet but the moon is quite beautiful this morning.
S Faber said…
Hello Jane Badger - Your photos are nice. And I like your name, too. My son's name is Brock, though not nicknamed, "Badger".

Question for you: Do you see the resemblance between Michael Morpurgo's "War Horse" and Brian Carter's "Jack"? Just curious.
Jane Badger said…
Thank you! Brian Carter's Jack is still on my shelf, waiting to be read. From what you say, it sounds as if it needs to get nearer the front of the queue.
S Faber said…
Hello Jane Badger - My goodness, you haven't read "Jack". Well, you are in for a wonderful treat as I believe that Brian Carter's story has much more substance than
Morpurgo's "War Horse".
Jack is the name of a young man who grew up in Devon, and raised a horse named, "Bethlehem", or "Beth"
for short. Bethlehem is requisitioned for the artillary during WWI, and Jack, when he becomes old enough, joins the service.... I could continue on, but anyone can plainly see the similarities, which only become more and more as you read the two stories. There is not much difference between the book "Jack" and "War Horse", the book/movie, even to the French farmer and the French girl who take care of either Beth or "Joey",as the War Horse is named.
Why am I bringing this up? Because I'm curious as to the history of these two authors writing such similar stories, and if anyone else has made the same observation.

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