Now that the hens are laying again, I am starting to focus on recipes that use up a decent amount of eggs. Swiss roll only uses 3, but it's a start. Daughter and I made an excursion into baking (or at least she did - I directed operations). Here is a rather squint photograph of daughter doing the prescribed 10 minutes whisking. When I did domestic science at school (which is what cookery was then called), Swiss roll was one of the things we had to do. Of course, we had to do it all by hand, and I have bitter memories of my failure to beat the mixture enough, meaning my Swiss roll was a flat and rubbery failure. I wrote that one down to experience, thinking I'd never have to do it again. At the end of each academic year, we did exams in each and every subject, including DS. We had to cook something we'd done that year. Miss Reed, the DS teacher, would write down the names of everything we'd done, put them in a hat, and we would draw one out. ...